Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Bucket List"

So, three posts in one day... I suppose I have had a lot on my mind. On a lighter subject than my last post, I wanted to throw out the idea of a "bucket list" that my friends and I have come up with (okay, it's not too original, but it should keep us occupied for a while).  Freshman year already slipped through our fingers, so we have decided to make the most of out time as poor, penniless college students. What else are you supposed to do when you have no real responsibilities other than making sure you graduate? As this list begins to be undertaken, I will post pictures and write about our experiences.

Listed below is a sampling of our ideas:
1) drive to Canada for a weekend
3) attempt to "pole dance" haha that one should be interesting
6)alternative spring break
11) road trip to Niagara Falls!
12) go to Alaska!
13) Organize a fundraiser
14) learn the dance to "All the Single Ladies"

So, some of them are lame, some are crazy, and some are just based on curiosity, but it will be something to do for the next 3 years to make our experience memorable.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea. And especially when you said "What else are you supposed to do when you have no real responsibilities other than making sure you graduate". So true.
